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Hackathon winning project: ASL Rocket to Space

1st place finish for Mobile Computing students at Hackville Hackathon

Congratulations to our Mobile Computing students who took 1st place at Hackville at the end of January . Burhan Faquiri, Nevada Graci, Amir A. and Michael Wright teamed up...

Mobile Computing student places first at Hack the NU

Huge congratulations to Mobile Computing’s Afreen Ahmed for her recent success in Hack The NU 2020! Team Steezys, a team of four, two of whom directly from Sheridan, were...


All onsite events have been suspended

Regrettably, with the social distancing recommendations resulting from COVID-19, all onsite events at Sheridan have been suspended until further notice. This includes all club events and activities, with the...

IS Sessions Club Logo

Information Security Sessions (ISS) Club Workshop Day

Hi everyone! I am pleased to announce our first workshop day of the semester will be held on Saturday, February 8! I can’t stress how thankful I am to...

Fire Evacuation Training Simulator

Applied Computing Capstone Showcases 2019

Between the three Applied Computing programs that have a Capstone course, a total of 34 teams presented Capstone projects at Applied Computing Capstone Showcases in December 2019. Capstone Projects...

MCC-inaugural meeting-5

The launch of Sheridan’s Mobile Computing Club

The Sheridan Mobile Computing Club has officially launched. The student club is poised to become a playground for students to unleash their creativity, innovation and entrepreneurial spirit and foster...

Student demos in the Yukon

Follow up with Student Researcher Who Went to the Yukon

Students Convey the Value of Applied Research to their Education Mark Beauchamp and Connor Pick are 3rd year Mobile Computing Degree students in the School of Applied Computing. They’ve...

yukon conference

Exciting Travel & Demo Opportunity for Student Researcher

A wonderful opportunity has arisen for Sheridan student, Mark Beauchamp, of the Mobile Computing Program in the School of Applied Computing. As a student researcher with the Centre for...