Information Security Sessions (ISSessions) is a bi-weekly open discussion around all things Information Systems Security, formerly held at the Trafalgar campus and now available through Discord and YouTube. Although regular group members are mainly from the Bachelor of Applied Information Sciences (Information Systems Security), the club is open to anyone interested in Information Systems Security issues.

ISSessions attracts some great speakers and presenters, and this includes students, past and present. Topics range from ISS Industry news to personal projects, and meetings most often end in a virtual social.

If you have a new project, are working on solving a problem or just have something cool you’d like to share, consider sharing through the  ISSessions community.

That said, if you have something you’d like to share, please don’t hesitate to connect with a member of the executive team through Discord. Or send an email to Kurt Kosubek.

Have a look at previous ISSessions on YouTube

Capture The Flag!

Trend Micro 1 Snooker Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

This Event is now SOLD OUT!

Event Series ISSessions Meet Up

ISSessions Meet Up

Join us on September 24 @ 7 PM for our next ISSessions meeting. It's a night with a star-studded line-up so don't miss out. We have five tremendous InfoSec professionals who are ready, willing and able to share their InfoSec/Cyber Security knowledge with you.  As an open discussion forum, you will have the opportunity to […]

ISSessions Meet Up

Join us on Thursday, October 8th, from 7:00 PM to 9:00 for our next ISSessions meet up Agenda:  19:00 - Kickoff - Kurt 19:10 - News Roundup - Nash & Adam 19:30 - Rick’s Repo Rundown - Nick 19:45 - Break 20:00 - An Introduction to OSX Exploitation - Lee Kegan We started on a […]

Finastra Hackathon

If you're interested in Hackathons and are up to a global innovation challenge, this one's for you! Finastra's Hack to the Future is a global, virtual Hackathon unlike any other. Click here to find out more. Hack to the Future launches on October 15th and submissions will be open from October 15th to November 22nd. […]

ISSessions Meet Up

Scehdule: 19:00 - Kickoff - Kurt 19:10 - News Roundup - Adam & Yousef 19:30 - Home Server Shenanigans - Kurt - Nick 19:45 - Break 20:00 - The Wonderful World of Information Security - John Simpson

ISSessions Pandas Workshop

Join us for our Pandas workshop presented by ISSessions VP, Louai Abboud ________________________________________ Date: December 5th, 2020 Time: 1:00-4:00 PM Location: Online (Google Meet or Zoom) Years: 1-4 (ALL YEARS WELCOME) In security, we deal with tons of data on a daily basis: logs, ticket data, user behaviour analytics, etc. Pandas is crucial in analyzing […]