Start/Renew a club

The Sheridan Student Union is a strong supporter of many clubs at Sheridan College.  In the Faculty of Applied Science and Technology (FAST), we support the SSU, Faculty of Applied Science and Technology students, and student clubs by offering financial and promotional support, and other school resources.

To start a new club or renew an existing club in FAST, students must complete the Student Initiative Purchase Request Form for consideration.  Approval will be determined by the Associate Dean and criteria such as budget, alignment with curriculum and student engagement will be considered.

Please forward your completed Club Funding Request Form as follows:

Applied Chemical & Environmental Sciences – Jennifer Gillespie
Applied Computing – Mark Orlando or Kristin Armstrong
Architectural Technology – Jennifer Gillespie
Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Technology – Dr Amjed Majeed
Magna School for the Skilled Trades – Craig Brazil

In the form, clubs must:

  • Provide the names of lead students and their contact information,
  • Have a faculty mentor, or one will be assigned, and
  • Provide a request with SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely) goals and budget
  • Show alignment with curriculum and student engagement.

With budget approval, a variety of support can be offered including assistance in ordering t-shirts, posters, and swag.   See the table below for a summary of the support that schools will provide student clubs.

Club Support Details
Financial Funding for student clubs (new and existing) to purchase materials, event supplies, guest speakers, etc.

Faculty Mentor
Faculty time to mentor the club
Promotional Social media promotion (Sheridan website, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram) for events, meetings and activities

Informal promotion in the classroom and through various Slate Virtual Communities

ThinkFAST website to promote clubs, activities and student engagement

Additional Support Access to technologists for knowledge and skills.

Space bookings (classrooms, labs) for meetings, events and storage of projects.

Facilitate access to school resources such as tools and technology (3D printers, CAD labs, and other)

Event planning and management

Financial Support

New and Existing Clubs

New and existing academic student clubs must complete the “Club Funding Request Form” for consideration.   The form will go to the school that best aligns with the student club and will be evaluated by the Associate Dean.  The form must include a budget as well as an explanation of how the money will be used to support the club.  Each year, existing clubs still need to submit a Funding Request Form to renew their funding request from the school.

Funding Amount:

The amount of funding available to clubs is dependent on each school’s operating budget and fund availability.   Funding can be requested when there are special conditions like a special event or competition by using the Special Funding Request Form.  If funding is requested, this form will need to be completed with a proposed budget, for consideration.


Once a club’s spend is approved, the funding will be available through the Associate Dean’s office.  For any purchases, a Student Initiative Purchase Request Form must be submitted to the Academic Portfolio Administrator (APA) who will make the purchase on behalf of the club.  Note:  Reimbursements will not be made.  The Club must keep track of spending and provide an updated budget at the time of purchase and also upon request.

A Club Leader (Treasurer) should be designated to maintain the budget and request purchases.  The Student Initiative Purchase Request Form must be provided with sign off from at least two club leaders and/or faculty mentor.

Promotional Support

We want our Faculty of Applied Science and Technology students to be engaged, active and seizing all the opportunities post secondary offers. Likewise, we want your club to have amazing success, strong attendance and outstanding visibility! Our Marketing and Information Specialist and our Digital Media Specialist are here to help support and promote your club and any activities you’re planning. All you need to do is contact or submit the form under ‘Contact’.

Social media and online promotion

We encourage FAST Clubs to operate their own social media accounts on Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat and/or Instagram.  While clubs can be responsible for their own social media, we’re also happy to promote club activities through the FAST Twitter and Instagram accounts as well as on the Sheridan website. All you need to do is tag us, and we’ll happily cross-promote your function. News, events, meetings, activities, calendar of events and individual club pages will be updated on the ThinkFAST website.

Calendar of events

The FAST team will update the calendar of events for all FAST clubs. Clubs will be asked to provide information on all known events for inclusion in the calendar (special events, club meetings etc). For clubs with social media accounts, this is especially important so that social media posts promoting events can link to the calendar entry for more details.

Additional Promotional Assistance

Clubs can also request assistance in purchasing club t-shirts and/or swag, coordinating event details, connecting resources, securing on campus locations, supplying brand standard guidelines and Sheridan logos, and much, much more… just ask by emailing

Additional Support

Depending on the nature of the club, additional resources may be requested such as equipment, technologist mentorship, access to labs and other items. Clubs can make these requests through their faculty lead to request the resources needed.

Faculty Lead and Technologist Support:

Each club must have a faculty lead to support them along the way.   A professor will be assigned to each club, if one has not already volunteered, and should be selected in consideration of their area of expertise and the club’s goals.

Space and Equipment Use Requests:

Depending on availability, labs, workshops and equipment that belong to the school can be requested for club use. FAST can assist clubs with booking these facilities for events or club meetings and requests can be made through the faculty lead.  For example, clubs can request the use of 3D printers, CAD labs, chemistry or computer labs and workshops.

Event Management:

In addition to promoting club events, the FAST team can provide event management assistance. This can include helping secure sponsors, booking venues or meeting rooms and planning logistics. Please email if your club requires event management support.