May 2 2021
  • Project title

    Spice Environmental Inc Environmental Controls Report

  • Sheridan program name

    Environmental Controls

  • Release Date


  • Project Description

    The report is based on multiple consulting projects that were carried out by Spice Environmental Inc.

  • Project background/history

    The groundwater remediation project carried out a site in Mississauga, ON gave hands-on experience on groundwater conditions monitoring and sampling with the use of YSI multiparameter instrument and Interface probe. This project also focused on amendment addition and re circulation associated with in-situ groundwater remediation.

    Another project at a metal fabrication site in Hamilton, ON dealt with drilling of boreholes, installation of monitoring wells and injection wells. The remediation technology used in Hamilton was nitrate reduction Spice Environmental Inc. The soil sampling protocols were observed at a site in East of Toronto where shallow soil sampling was done, and the soil samples were collected.

    In addition to the field experience, some tasks associated with the works performed were also done including Ecolog ERIS review, review of monitoring plans and review of groundwater quality assessment verification sampling program. Most of the sites were undergoing remediation and the goal was to check for subsurface conditions post the injection of amendments and hence find out whether the concentrations have gone below the Site Condition Standards or not.